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How Long is The Movie American History X (1998)


Discover the runtime of the iconic film American History X (1998) and learn everything you need to know about its duration.Are you a fan of American History X (1998) and wondering how long the movie is? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the runtime and duration of the critically acclaimed film, American History X. Released in 1998, this film has captivated audiences with its powerful storyline and intense performances. Whether you’re planning a movie night or simply curious about the length of the film, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the details of just how long American History X is and what makes it a must-see film. Whether you’re a movie buff or simply enjoy a good story, the runtime of American History X is sure to pique your interest. Let’s get started!

Runtime of American History X (1998)

When it comes to the runtime of American History X (1998), the film has a duration of 119 minutes. This powerful and thought-provoking movie delves into the issue of racism in America, following the story of a former neo-nazi skinhead who tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did.

Directed by Tony Kaye, American History X provides a raw and unflinching look at the violent and destructive consequences of hate and bigotry. The film’s duration allows for a deep exploration of its themes and characters, making it a memorable and impactful viewing experience.

Starring Edward Norton and Edward Furlong, the movie’s runtime provides enough time for audiences to truly engage with the emotional and psychological complexities of the characters, as well as the broader societal issues at play.

With its 119-minute duration, American History X offers a compelling and important narrative that continues to resonate with audiences long after the credits roll.

Duration of the movie American History X (1998)

American History X, directed by Tony Kaye and released in 1998, has a runtime of 1 hour and 59 minutes. The movie tells the story of a former neo-nazi skinhead who tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did. The film showcases the themes of racism, hate, and redemption, and has been praised for its powerful performances and thought-provoking storyline.

With a runtime of just under two hours, American History X manages to pack in a lot of intense and impactful scenes. The duration of the movie allows for the audience to fully immerse themselves in the characters and the message of the film, making it a memorable and thought-provoking viewing experience.

Overall, the 1 hour and 59 minutes duration of American History X is perfectly suited to the depth and intensity of the story being told. It allows for a comprehensive exploration of the characters and the issues they face, making it a film that truly leaves a lasting impact on its viewers.

So, next time you’re looking for a movie to watch, consider revisiting American History X and immersing yourself in its powerful storytelling for 1 hour and 59 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the runtime of the movie American History X (1998)?

The runtime of American History X (1998) is 1 hour and 59 minutes.

How long is the duration of the movie American History X (1998)?

The duration of the movie American History X (1998) is 1 hour and 59 minutes.

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